We received our shipment, and one half of the cans were dented and damaged. Some are even leaking! I looked on the website about returning them for undamaged items and there was actually a note in the FAQ about this... saying that the dented cans are perfectly fine and that it is the fault of the shipper, not ZooRoyal, etc. I have 28 years of food service experience and I know for a fact that dented cans are unsafe. Below is what the American FDA says about them:
“If the can is dented or damaged along the rim or seam or has a ‘deep dent’—which the USDA defines as a dent you can lay your finger into—then the product can be contaminated with spoilage organisms or worse, foodborne pathogens such as botulism,” says consumer product safety and quality expert Tyler Williams, CEO of ASI Food Safety.
The bacteria clostridium botulinum is a potent neurotoxin responsible for botulism—and even microscopic amounts can cause illness or death, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.
“It should be noted that the last case of botulism from commercially canned food is in the 1970s,” says nutrition and food safety expert Toby Amidor, MS, RD, CDN, FAND, author of Up Your Veggies: Flexitarian Recipes for the Whole Family. “If it is botulism—you see it more with bulging cans—the top of the can would appear foamy white.”
Not only are the cans really difficult to open, but I DO NOT want my dog getting sick from your shipper's careless actions, and your inability to package products well.
This will most likely be the FINAL TIME I order from you, and I will warn any of my friends that are thinking about ordering from you as well.